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Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Career Self Development

Career Self Development is becoming more and more important as less people stay in the job they study for or start their working life with.

In traditional countries in the "old world" it was completely normal that someone who had learned how to be a steel worker or a secretary and stayed in that position all his/her working life. Today that has changed as we have gone from the industrial age to the information age.

Positions, Jobs and Companies are in constant flux. In Germany we have a publicly traded company that started of in the steel business and is now a venture capitalist. What they are today has absolutely nothing to do with what they started off as nearly 80 years ago. And the changes did not happen gradually; they happened in the last 8 years.

The same goes for our jobs. Just look at what I do. There were no Personal Life Coaches 10 years ago but today it is a widely known and much respected profession.

As our jobs change we have to change with them to adjust to the new situation. It is essential that we keep up with what is happening in our profession and find out how we can stay on top of the game. A personal Life Coach can help us with our career self development even when s/he is not in the same profession. They can give us a different more detached perspective and thus create awareness.

In German we have the saying "You can't see the forest because of the trees". That is similar in work. We are so involved, so focused on the details of our own everyday working life that we do often not hear the warning bells nor see that the market is changing. Your coach as an outsider can see that with much more clarity and detachment.

If you are in a moment of change - whether in your career or in your life, give it a try and get yourself a personal life coach.

Happy changing
Barbara Hofmeister

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Friday, October 13, 2006


Personal Life Coaches or own advice?

Many people handle other people's problems better than their own. It's one of the reasons why Personal Life Coaches are so successful with their clients. When you look from an outside perspective you see different issues than the clients can see themselves.

But not only coaches can do that. You can do it for yourself.

How often have you given advice to friends and they told you how much better they feel or how much better their business or life is going after taking your advice? Why don't you ask them what made the difference?

Quite often you can use the suggestions you made to help your friends in your own life. So take down the ideas that helped the people around you and use them to boost your own life.

All the Best

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Follow your Dreams

Good Morning or is it Evening where you are?

I got up at 5 am today with really inspiring thoughts, dreams and ways to get to them and I thought I just have to share all this with you. So I wrote my heart out - unfortunately in livejournal and not here - and after all this the b...... entry disappeared when I clicked on one of the Questions marks on my blogging page.

I mean really, shouldn't a question be opened in another window as it is here on blogger? Or could they not at least have warned me? What a frustrating way to go into such a wonderful day. I was really inspired when I got up but now...

Fortunately frustration never stays with me for long so just voicing my frustration to you makes me smile again. But I have run out of time to give you more of my thoughts so please forgive me for this short and not too pleasant or insightful entry and I will speak to you another day about following your dream. I have to run to follow mine now -.)

Get my FREE Insight - short weekly lessons with practical tips for a great(er) you!

Friday, October 06, 2006


Why is Life Coaching so effective?

I am being asked all the time what makes Life Coaching so successful. My answer is: It’s efficiency.

But why is it so efficient? Because it is action based and forward oriented while most other self development tools look at the past and try to find out why we are who we are today.

Obviously past behavior may be a good predictor of future behavior, but it’s never more than a tendency because we can change that. The past is over and the future is unknown. But our past does not equal our future. It will only affect it to the degree WE ALLOW it. This is what makes us humans so unique.

Evidently the past DOES matter, but only to the extent we let it. It matters because we can (and we should) reflect on it and learn from it. But it does not have to rule the rest of our lives.

You can change tomorrow by what you do today. What you think, what you believe and the actions you take or don’t take will affect your future. But change is not so easy and this is where coaching can help significantly.

A coach sees the coachee from a different, an outside perspective. Because of this detachment s/he can ask the right questions so the coachees are able to find new and better answers for themselves. Coaching is not so much about giving advice. It is more about helping the client find their own solutions before building an action plan together. Coachees are then supported while executing this plan.

You may not be able to control ALL the events in your life, but you can drastically increase your odds of success by using a coach whenever you are on a crossroad of your life.

Abundant Blessings

Why don't you get my free INSIGHT - a short weekly session with practical tips for a great(er) you?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Don't despair!

Outside it looks greyer than is normal on the Costa del Sol (Spain). In my heart it also looks grey today. This is not one of my good days!

Why do we have good and bad days? I suppose it has to do with the flow of things. Like with all things in nature our days cannot always be the same and I consider myself very fortunate because most of my days are good to fantastic. But today is not one of them o.)

When I looked at my daily targets this morning I was quite optimistic but now a few long and not very successful (one was actually quite unpleasant) phone calls later I feel quite depressed. I feel I don't get anything done. I feel that people don't like me. I feel that it's is all my fault. To be truthful I feel quite sorry for myself. That means today really is a bad day!

Fortunately I know even in these moments of gloom that the sun will come out again and I will feel wonderful once more. Even in the worse moments of my life I have known that I will survive and be better and stronger than before. There was never a moment that I was in such despair that I could not dream of the light at the end of the tunnel. And that light has always come! Even if you can't see it when you are down in the pits. It is there and it will also shine on you again if you give it a little time.

Jim Rohn calls it the seasons of life. It is a good comparison because many of us forget spring when we are in the middle of our emotional winter. Just writing this down makes me already feel better. Today is not winter, just the first day of fall and I was only hit by a breath of chilly air - that is all.

Speak soon

Sign up for my FREE Insight - short inspirational sessions with practical tips for a great(er) YOU

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Creating empowering Habits

Why does it seem that it is so much easier to fall into a bad habit than a good one?

I can't tell you but I know for a fact that to change a bad habit into a good one it first needs a clear decision. If you want to stop smoking, if you want to eat healthier food, if you want to work less, or if you want to exercise more - in all cases you first have to make a decision and stick to it.

Obviously the sticking to it part is the more difficult. We know that from our new year resolutions, don't we? How often have we made promises to ourselves and have forgotten all about them in January?

There is a wonderful program out there that I use to keep me on track and to move me forward at all times and that is called Simpleology. It was created by Mark Joyner, the father of Internet Marketing. For me this guy is an absolute genius. Simpleology is a multi media course - that takes about 15 minutes every day and you do it first thing in the morning.

If you tend to get distracted easily, if you procrastinate on certain issues, if you are looking for ways to bring yourself forward - THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! He calls it "the simple science of getting what you want". I would say it will do all of us good. I use it at least 6 days a week and the result so far is that I am more focused, clearer on my goals, see immediately where I stray and consequently get much more done! It is very easy to follow. You just have to stick with it until the results become obvious.

Give it a go. It is free
Just click here and sign up for free and off you go.

Enjoy the journey

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