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Friday, September 29, 2006


Procrastination is not laziness

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we would always do what we have to do when we have to do it?

I don't know if you are a procrastinator but I never considered myself one except on a couple of issues I disliked doing so much that I kept putting them aside only to resurface again a few days later.

What are the consequences of this type of bahavior?
  1. You never feel you have done all your work because THIS is still undone.
  2. It might cost you money because you have gone past a deadline or lost an opportunity.
  3. Putting things that need to be done sooner or later off creates frustration and consequently drains you of energy.
What are the consequences if you do it NOW?
  1. Your desk and your life will feel less cluttered.
  2. You will eventually get much more done.
  3. If it is something you really hate to do, you will feel like a winner bursting with energy once it is done!
If you start doing "unpleasant" things as soon as they come in, you will soon see how satisfactory that is and if you are one of those "superhumans" that can keep this up on all issues, you've got it made. I am not bluffing here because the reason why the people we admire get so much more done than we do is exactly that. They don't leave stuff until the last moment or even past the last moment. And they focus and prioritize.

When they do one thing, it is the only thing they do. And they will always do the most important first. The Paredo principle says: You get 80 % done in 20 % of your time. The secret is to prioritize on what really moves us towards our goals and do that first before picking up the phone, reading our mails or whatever it is that steals our time so easily.

Very successful people get incredible amounts of work done. Fact is the more we do the more we get done but before we will become really productive we have to learn to set the right priorities and do the things we dislike doing whenever they need to get done.

Procrastination is not laziness. Procrastination is a killer of productivity. It is a choice we take; a decision we make that seems the easy way out at the time but in the long term will cost us dearly.

Look into your life and search for the areas in which you procrastinate. Make a decision NOW to stop at least one area and take one small action step NOW that will help you get out of that corner.

Did it? Congratulations!

Nobody is perfect so don't expect wonders TODAY but if you take one small step away from your weak areas on a regular basis your results will improve drastically!

Love your life and it will love you!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Integrate the lessons

Following that crazy flight to London they actually upgraded me to business class on the way back. I thought that was nice of the universe -.) and of British Airways! Something else to be grateful for.

I went to London solely to attend a seminar on NLP and Time Line Therapy. The 2 days were extemely interesting and once more I learned a lot about myself but one of the most interesting conversations I had there were during the break on Sunday with Daniel, a young man I had met at the Self-development Expo a few months earlier.

Daniel asked whether I was going to the Anthony Robbins event in a couple of weeks and I said "No, not this time. Why do you ask?" I loved his answer because he said what I thought but had never formulated before.

Here it is: "There are many people who go to the same events again and again. I love going to seminars but I don't book another one until I have integrated at least one thing I learned at the last one. If I don't really put what I learn into action there seems to be no point in going."Isn't that a wise choice? Thanks Daniel for saying it so eloquently.

I have a friend who did the whole Tony Robbins curriculum including Fidji followed by some heavy doses of NLP but we can't see any real changes in her. While another friend who has gone to only one Tony Robbins and to one NLP Training has put everything she learned to work and is now making a name for herself as a speech trainer.

These seminars, workshops and books work but only if we use what we learn. When I see this type of change and improvement in one of my "To be" members it makes me feel really proud like a parent when their kids have achieved something. That is what my work is all about. Helping people improve and change their life for the better. Could there be any better?

Love your life and it will love you!

Monday, September 25, 2006


What a glorious day!

At this time of year I usually wake up with the sunrise which is around 7 am. Today it was absolutely stunning and I did my short exercise session on the terrace watching the sun rise over the sea and the colors of the clouds change. What more can one ask from life?

Not having to do exercise some might say and I would lie if I say that I never feel like missing a day. You see, it is only about 6 weeks since I exercise again on a regular basis. Before I did Yoga with my neighbor but that was very irregular, anything between 1 and 3 times a week. Better than nothing but nowhere near enough.

Before I moved to Spain in 2000 and got caught up working through the Internet (of course that was my own decision) I went to a fitness studio 3-5 times a week and was in really good shape. Since then I have gone through menopause and my body has changed and needs to move more than even but it costs me more than ever to actually make myself do it. Why?

Because I broke what had been a very good habit and exchanged it for something new - my computer! Unfortunately those new habits were not very good for me. Then why did you do it, you might ask. Well, most changes, whether positive or as in my case, negative don't happen overnight. Gradually I found more and more reasons why I couldn't go the studio and within a few weeks I went from 5 to 3 times, to 2 times, to 1 time, to only occasionally and then I stopped altogether as I moved country. And of course being new there I had even more reasons not to train.

The less you do sports (or whatever it is you are supposed to do) the more difficult it seems. Just ask someone who is obese and loves fast food. The disempowering habit becomes so much part of you that you cannot imagine it any other way anymore. And if you ever become consciously aware what you are doing to yourself, you will easily find a good excuse why right not it really is absolutely impossible to change. And most probably you will add that it is not a problem because you can stop whatever you are doing and take up your good habit again anytime. And you can but it is not as easy as one might hope.

Moving into disempowering habits seems easier and is exactly how you get into the habit of smoking, drinking too much alcohol or taking drugs. You tell yourself: "I can stop it anytime". In most cases "any time" never comes.

Until I seriously got into Simpleology I would find all kind of excuses as a way out of regular exercise. Each Mondy when I planned my week I tried to include some sports but somehow it always got thrown out for more "important" things. Doing my daily target praxis from this multi-media course by Mark Joyner finally got me more disciplined again and I can now see myself moving much faster towards my goals and dreams. And the best is the 101 course is FREE.

Like my "To be" system it is an ongoing program that nudges you gently in the right direction in tiny steps and before you know it you have broken out of a bad habit back into a good one. Try it out. You will need a little patience before you see real results but if you stick with it the results will absolutely astound you. It got me from rarely exercising to daily exercise and from occasional meditation to daily meditation, from weekly goal setting to daily targets etc. And seeing the small positive differences each and every day is what will drive you on. Remember, change 1 % a day means having changed 365 % in one year!

Have fun

Friday, September 22, 2006


Being grateful

Are we grateful enough?

I often wonder when I listen to the moaning and growning of people. Unless you give the conversation another direction it seems all they want to do is complain about what is going wrong in their life, most of the time blaming others.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes we have to let everything that is eating us up out but it cannot be the main objective of a conversation and of course even less of a coaching session.

We all have so much to be grateful for:
  1. You have at least a decent education; otherwise you would not be able to use a computer to find this blog.
  2. You have a computer or the money to go to an Internet Cafe.
  3. Unless of course you read this at work or in school which means you can be grateful to have a job and/or to get an education.
  4. You are most likely to have a roof over your head and some food to put into your tummy.
  5. You probably have friends who love and respect you for who and what you are.
  6. ...and the list can go on...

I have a long list of things I am grateful for and whenever life doesn't seem to play the way I want it to or I feel a little down I go through my list and my mood changes instantly. This morning I woke up to the most glorious sunrise. Isn't that something to be grateful for?

There are so many small beautiful things we take for granted until they are not there anymore. Take a little time out and look at those things or people you can be grateful for in your life and write your personal list. Carry it with you or have it close at hand because it will motivate and inspire you whenever you need uplift.

Abundant Blessings

Barbara Hofmeister


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Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Grateful for the Upgrade

After the near missed flight to London I spent an extremely enjoyable 2 days there attending a seminar of Topher Harrison. I left it slightly early as I had learned my lesson and wanted to make sure I arrive with plenty of time at Gatwick airport.

But I missed the airport train at Victoria Station and again arrived slightly late at the check in of British Airways - but this time I was in luck. They upgraded me to Business Class because the flight was fully booked and some people insisted on sitting together. Good for them and great for me as I flew back very comfortable and with excellent service.

But can you imagine that we had to leave all cosmetics behind - for security reasons? My bag shrivelled to half its usual size and I am not even into cosmetics. When I asked what one could do with a lipstick they told me I could stick it in someone's eyes. I mean, please, this is crazy. I had 3 bolis in my bag and each were much more likely to do harm if I stuck them in someone's eye. Which of course I would never do.

These security checks are getting a little out of hand and the rules are changing almost daily. There was a program on that on TV last night and it showed that if someone has set out to do harm they will find ways around the system because it is just impossible to check everything. But like those people could find ways to do damage we can find ways to do good.

Let's not concentrate so much on the danger and on the negative. By doing that we only give it power. Let's concentrate on the good in people, on the power each and everyone of us has to change this world for the better - one step, one small action, one helping hand at the time.

I love you all
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Monday, September 18, 2006


Traveling is Fun or we must learn the Lessons

Traveling is fun or I must learn the Lessons

I woke before 6 am this morning. As there was no need to get up until 7 I plugged in my MP3 player and listened to a couple of "Lessons of Life" by Jim Rohm. Just before 7 am I got out of bed, took a steam bath, answered a couple of emails, packed my stuff and got ready to leave for the airport around 8.30 am for my flight to London at 10.25.

Normally it takes about 40 Minutes to the airport so I thought there would be plenty of time to stop half way and get a document from the land registry that I had asked for the week anterior. On hindsight I must have been insane to attempt this and it was here where the problems started.

I arrived at the registry 9 Minutes after they had opened thinking that I would be the first but there were several people in front of me. Fortunately my turn came fairly quickly and I handed the girl my request. She started to search in her basket where the document should be, then went into the back office. After a few moments she came back with another lady but still without my document. Together they searched the basket again. Nothing and back into the office they went. I started to get frantic and tried to find out what had happened but living in Southern Spain has its downside as here people will not be pushed to hurry even for a frantic German. Another few precious minutes passed and the girl came back with her superior. “Do you have the original notary document? We could print you what you need while you wait” he told me politely. But by now I was desperate and really did not appreciate his offer so I thanked him and run out of the office and back to my car. It was 55 minutes before flight departure!

Of course I got stuck in a small traffic jam trying to get back on the highway. Another 5 precious minutes passed until that moved. My nerves were frayed and I started racing down the highway passing cars left and right going way past the speed limit. After 15 Minutes the sign for Malaga airport appeared. Another 1,5 km and 40 Minutes till departure. With a bit of luck I might just make it. Just as that thought passed through my mind I realized that everyone seemed to be going to the airport today and another traffic jam build up. I could see the planes landing but only inched my way towards the airport. Desperation set in and I was beating myself up for so much stupidity.

The closer I came the more I got reminded that Malaga airport is an enormous building site with very limited parking facilities. If you have been there in 2006 you will know what I am talking about. Why didn’t I think of that before? I fly in and out at least once a month. Panic set in and only 30 Minutes to go.

I drove up to the departure terminal. Is everybody flying out today? In 6 years I never saw such chaos. You couldn’t even stop for a moment to discharge your luggage. The police was everywhere and quite franticly tried to control what could not be controlled. A policeman made someone leave and I got in that slot and jumped out trying not to take notice of him. He shouted after me but to no avail. Only 25 Minutes to go.

The counter was already closed but there was still some one there. He was not happy but eventually re-started his computer and gave me a boarding pass telling me I had 10 minutes to get to the plane.

Out I went to my car. Thank god the police are not as fast in Spain as they are in Germany. The poor man was really mad at me but the tow car had not arrived yet so I left without further problems. But I still had the same issue – where to park the car while I was in London?

All 3 parking lots near the departure lounge were inaccessible. I was out of the airport before I knew it. Around the roundabout and back again. Did I see a slot there on my right? This is where the rent-a-car companies are stationed and I never attempted to park there but today was different – today I only had 15 minutes before my plane left.

There a parking sign! In I went but they did not want me to park there – only for rented cars of their company, they said. I pledged and pleaded but the gentleman was adamant. He insisted I leave. To turn around I had to go into their backyard and saw a small exit there into the bushes. Off I went bumping over rocks with my lovely Mercedes but who cared at this stage. All I wanted was to park for a couple of days.

I got my luggage out and as I locked the car the gentleman was back at my side. Now he was not so polite anymore and told me to get lost or he would call the police. A young man came up behind him and said I could not park here but he would help me – finally someone on my side! But you need a contract, he said. NO, I need to get to my plane RIGHT NOW I shouted but to no avail.

He drove me back to the departure lounge while I filled in the contract. Adrian, that was his name, insisted I check his documents but who cared in a moment like this. I sure didn’t. “But Senora, your car is worth over 30,000 Euros. You have to care.” He insisted. Isn’t it amazing how fast our perspectives change? In order not to lose a flight that cost about 100 Euros I entrust a car worth 300 times that much to a total stranger.

To cut the story short I crashed the line at security and ran all the way to the departure gate. By this time my face was red as a beetroot and I arrived there 5 Minutes after regular departure but fortunately – for whatever reason – or was it because of the constant prayers I had sent up to higher powers since realizing how stupid my idea of getting some documents on the way to the airport had been? – The flight was slightly delayed and I entered with the last 2 passengers. Fact is I got the flight – by a hairs breadth and with a lot of “luck” but...

What are the lessons to learn?
Learn from past experience (this was the 3rd time I raced to the airport).
Plan things that are important to you in a logical manner and follow through.
Don’t stress yourself in an unnecessary way because it will drain you of all your energy.
And don’t always think that manifesting your crazy ideas to the universe will help you make them real.
If you change perspective, everything changes!

Well, I could come up with several more lessons I hope I finally learned but for now enough is enough!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Control Anger

Do you ever get angry?
If not, you are a Saint – Congratulations!

If yes, do you stay angry for long?
Can you actually be upset for hours or even days?

Did you know that one hour of anger takes as much energy as 12 hours of normal work?Doesn’t that make one wonder whether our anger is worth that much of our time and energy?

What do you get out of being angry and upset?
What are the benefits for you?

It is important that we ask ourselves these questions because being angry can easily take most of our energy even though issues we are uptight about today are probably of no consequence tomorrow. And in the overall scheme of life they are nothing – nothing more than a speck of dust, right?

The other day I wrote a really nice, soul searching article - online - and as I pressed save the article just disappeared. All those lovely thoughts - gone! Believe me, I was more than a little upset. Upset about the lost time and the lost thoughts. Angry because I know better than to edit stuff online. Most servers have a time out limit and all your efforts are gone if you pass that. It was not the first time this has happened to me but this time I hope I learned the lesson -.)

Anger is an emotion and it comes up whether we like it or not but we can get it under control.
If you are alone take a few deep breaths and let your anger out when you breathe out. Breathe in and out very slowly until you feel calm again.

Should you ever feel ready to explode (especially when it is in someone’s face) count to 10 before you speak (well, at least until 5) and never, ever write an email or letter in that state. Not unless you want to lose that relationship. Written words are much more hurtful because they don’t go away. They are still there when the emotion is long gone and they might be read by the other person in the wrong moment.

The above helps me but writing about it works best to actually let go of the emotion of anger. Writing about it makes you much more aware of what is happening inside of you. And from awareness to change it is only a small step. So after my article disappearing I wrote a short entry in my blog and let my frustration out. Even while I was doing that I started to laugh because what happened really was of no great consequence and not worth losing time and energy over.

Have a peaceful and happy day

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